1/154 Newcastle Street, PERTH WA 6000

Property Details

1/154 Newcastle Street, PERTH WA 6000



Apartment Sold - PERTH WA

The Shared Start Scheme is a West Australian State Government initiative to assist YOU achieve YOUR dream of home ownership.

Properties available under this scheme are offered for sale under co-ownership arrangements with the Department of Housing. An eligible Buyer can purchase 70% of a property, with the Department of Housing retaining the matching 30% share in perpetuity. You pay no rent or interest to the Department of Housing for their 30% share of the property. The price quoted is 70% of the value of the apartment.

Properties cannot be sublet or leased to other parties and the private co-owner can never acquire the Department of Housings share.

Properties may be sold at any time, but only to the Department of Housing using a Market Valuation process to determine the current value of a co-owners share.

For further details or a property viewing please phone Mark Gidvani on 0439 487 174.

Property Features
  • Apartment
  • 1 bed
  • 1 bath
  • 1 Parking Spaces
  • Garage
  • Secure Parking
Real Estate Agent
Mark Gidvani
0439 487 174
08 9383 2066