6/153 Kensington Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004

Property Details

6/153 Kensington Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004



Apartment Sold - EAST PERTH WA

The Shared Equity Scheme is a West Australian State Government initiative to assist First Home Buyers working in key industries, achieve their dream of home ownership.

Properties available under this scheme are offered for sale under co-ownership arrangements with the Department of Housing. An eligible Buyer can purchase 70% of a property, with the Department of Housing retaining the matching 30% share in perpetuity. You pay no rent or interest to the Department of Housing for their 30% share of the property. The price quoted is 70% of the value of the apartment.

Properties cannot be sublet or leased to other parties and the private co-owner can never acquire the Department of Housings share.

Properties may be sold at any time, but only to the Department of Housing using a Market Valuation process to determine the current value of a co-owners share.

For further details or a property viewing contact Mark Gidvani on 0439 487 174 or visit www. sharedequityproperties.com.au.

Property Features
  • Apartment
  • 1 bed
  • 1 bath
  • 1 Parking Spaces
  • Land is 80 m²
  • Toilet
  • Carport
Real Estate Agent
Mark Gidvani
0439 487 174
08 9383 2066